This intricately designed, Aztec calendar and Maya calendar, reversible, sterling silver pendant was skillfully crafted by world-renowned Mexican silver jewelry artisans. The ancient Maya were accomplished observers of the sky. Using their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, the ancient Maya developed one of the most accurate calendar systems in human history that was used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and is still used today in many modern communities in Mexico and in Central America.
The Aztecs were fantastic record keepers and their calendar, a sacred, solar calendar with a remarkably accurate and complex dating system, was an adaptation of the Mayan calendar. Their calendar was created by skilled mathematicians to mark time and to predict changes that would affect their survival and destiny and was not created to predict a “doomsday” as it is commonly perceived. Instead it reinforced the belief of rebirth, that when one cycle ends another begins.
This beautiful, reversible pendant has both calendars, and is suspended from a 16-inch, sterling silver, snake chain, choker necklace. The pendant has a natural, undisturbed patina with a shiny finish on one side (Maya calendar) and a matte finish on the other side (Aztec calendar). It is a remarkable piece of heritage, art and history and will be a definite conversation starter when worn!
- Signed Hallmark (Pendant): MC05 MEX .925
- Hallmark (Choker Necklace): .925 Italy
- Metal: Sterling Silver
- Finish: Shiny and matte, sterling silver with natural patina (may require a light cleaning, if desired)
- Condition: Excellent vintage
- Weight (Total): 10.3 g
- Clasp: Spring-ring
- Bale: Solid, pinched bale
- Measurements (Pendant): 7/8” diameter (plus addt’l 3/8” L for bale)
- Measurements (Choker Necklace): 16” L
- Gift box and wrapping may vary.
Love One Another ~ Bella Morena